Connecting BlueJ GUI Application to a MySQL Workbench Database File

Hello friends! Am sure all of you newbie BlueJ user out there has probably been wondrin, “How the heck would I display my MySQL Workbench records in a BlueJ GUI application?”. Well, wonder no more because today we'll learn how to do it comprehensively.

Before we proceed to the actual step, I presume that you have a basic knowledge of developing GUI applications in BlueJ, JDBC API, and MySQL workbench. Let's proceed to the steps now shall way? I mean shall we?

1. Start MySQL workbench by clicking on Start>All Programs> MySQL>MySQL Workbench.

2. In the SQL Development pane, Double click Local instance MySql.

3. Click the “new sql tab for executing query” icon.

4. Enter the following MySQL script:

5. Click the “run everything” icon to execute the MySQL script.

What we have done so far is we've created a database file named dbNames and a user to that database named dbusername. We've also use dbpassword as our password. Additionally, we have a created a table named tblNames inside our dbNames database and added two records to it. What we are going to do next is we will create our Blue GUI application and then later on, we'll connect it to our database file.

6. Start BlueJ now by clicking on>BlueJ>BlueJ.

7. Click Project>New Project> Enter your desired project name>Create.

8. Click the New Class button>Enter “UseJDBC” as a class name no quotes. Use class as a class type then click OK.

9. Double-click the UseDBC class.

10. Press Control + A> then press Delete to delete all BlueJ's pre-written code, then enter the following codes:

/*imports the required packages*/
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.sql.*;
/*Creates a class named UseJDBC. extends JFrame means that UseJDBC is not just some class
it's also a Frame */
public class UseJDBC extends JFrame 
/* Create a container named ca.*/
Container ca=getContentPane();
/* Create a borderlayout which will be used later to position our panel1 
 on the north portion of the container*/
BorderLayout border=new BorderLayout(2,2);
/* Create a gridlayout with 3 rows and 2 columns. 
 Will be used to arrange our labels and textfields in a grid format*/
GridLayout grid=new GridLayout(3,2,1,1);
/*Create a panel named panel1. this is where we will add our controls later*/
JPanel panel1=new JPanel();
/*Creates our textboxes where we want o display our records later*/
JTextField IDtextbox=new JTextField();
JTextField Fnametextbox=new JTextField();
JTextField Lnametextbox=new JTextField();
public UseJDBC()
/*Applies the borderlayout to our container*/
/*Applies the gridlayout to our panel*/
/*Add our controls to the panel*/
panel1.add(new JLabel("ID:"));
panel1.add(new JLabel("Firstname:"));
panel1.add(new JLabel("Lastname:"));
/*Adds the panel to our container and position it to the north(top) 
 * portion of the container
/*Setup our  frame*/
setTitle("View Records");
        /* Creates a connection object named connectionobj*/
        Connection connectionobj;
        try {
        /*Creates a new instance of our jdbc driver*/
        /*Connect to our database named dbNames using the
        username dbusername and password dbpassword*/
        connectionobj =   DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbNames","dbusername","dbpassword");
        /*Create a statement object named statementobj*/
        Statement statementobj = connectionobj.createStatement() ;
        /*Specify how we want to retrieve the record from MySQL Workbench
         * by using the executeQuery method of our statement object. Since we want all records from
         * all columns so we entered "Select * from tblNames" as a sql statement
         * The resultset will be stored in a variable named resultSet
        ResultSet resultSet = statementobj.executeQuery( "SELECT * From tblNames" ) ;
        /*Points the record pointer to the first record*/
        resultSet.first( );
        /*Retrieve the values of each fieldname or columns and store it to our local variables*/
        String strid = Integer.toString(resultSet.getInt("intid"));
        String strfname = resultSet.getString("chrfname");
        String strlname = resultSet.getString("chrlname");
        /*Display our first records on their appropriate controls*/
        /*Close the database connection*/
        connectionobj.close() ;
        catch (Exception e) 
/* Creates our main method*/
public static void main (String[] args)
UseJDBC UseJDBCinstance=new UseJDBC();

11. Before we run our application. Ensure that MySQL Connector J has been added to BlueJ's user library. There are two ways to do this:

a. Download mysql-connector-java-5.1.25-bin.jar from Extract downloaded file then copy mysql-connector-java-5.1.25-bin.jar to C:\Program Files\BlueJ\lib\userlib.

b. Alternatively, in the BlueJ menu bar, click Options>Preferences>Libraries>Add>Locate and select your mysql-connector-java-5.1.25-bin.jar file>then click open.

12. Now that we have added MySQL connector-J to user libraries. Let's view our code once again and this time I've omitted the comments coz it's kinda messy or something.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class UseJDBC extends JFrame 
Container ca=getContentPane();
BorderLayout border=new BorderLayout(2,2);
GridLayout grid=new GridLayout(3,2,1,1);
JPanel panel1=new JPanel();
JTextField IDtextbox=new JTextField();
JTextField Fnametextbox=new JTextField();
JTextField Lnametextbox=new JTextField();
public UseJDBC()
panel1.add(new JLabel("ID:"));
panel1.add(new JLabel("Firstname:"));
panel1.add(new JLabel("Lastname:"));
setTitle("View Records");
        Connection connectionobj;
        try {
        connectionobj = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbNames","dbusername","dbpassword");
        Statement statementobj = connectionobj.createStatement() ;
        ResultSet resultSet = statementobj.executeQuery( "SELECT * From tblNames" ) ;
        resultSet.first( );
        String strid = Integer.toString(resultSet.getInt("intid"));
        String strfname = resultSet.getString("chrfname");
        String strlname = resultSet.getString("chrlname");
        connectionobj.close() ;
        catch (Exception e) 
public static void main (String[] args)
UseJDBC UseJDBCinstance=new UseJDBC();

13. Click the compile button to convert our source code into byte code.

14. Click the close button on your source code window.

15. Right-click your UseJDBC class>Select void main string[] args>Ok.

16. You should now see the following output.

17. And that's all. Awesome right? Kiddin.

Printing Images in Visual FoxPro 9.0

There are plenty of ways to do this and one of the easiest way by far is by using reports but since I can’t help but be attached to old things, we’ll do it the old way, the FoxPro for DOS way.
1. Design your form as follows:

2. Double-click the control named PrintButton and enter the following:

*Turns on the printer
*Prevent the data being printed from appearing on the screen
*Sends whatever specified in the @SAY command directly to the printer
*This is one of the important lines of code, without this, the image
* will not be printed at all
*Displays an explainatory text just to let the user know that the data is being printed
*Displays our image in a specified row and column coordinate
*We use stretch so that the size of the image will adjust to
*the size of the image control
@ 1,5 SAY Thisform.iconimagecontrol.picture BITMAP SIZE 5,10 STRETCH
* Displays our text
@ 6,5  SAY 'Application Name:' +  thisform.Appnamelabel.Caption
*Ejects the paper
*Stops sending data to the printer
3. Here's the code again and this time I’ve omitted the comments coz it's kinda messy or something:
@ 1,5 SAY Thisform.iconimagecontrol.picture BITMAP SIZE 5,10 STRETCH
@ 6,5  SAY 'Application Name:' +  thisform.Appnamelabel.Caption

4. Double-click the ExitButton and enter the following:
*Quits the form

5. Click the Run icon or press CTRL + E> Click the Print button. Here’s a sample print out of how it should look like. I’ve tried it using EPSON LX 300 printer.

6. So there...

Bicore Headbot

Bicore Headbot is a photovore(light seeking robot) that looks for the brightest light source and turns its head there. Here is a bicore headbot made by one of my appreciated students whose name you’ll see at the end of the video. This was based on the book “JunkBots, Bugbots, and Bots on Wheels:Building Simple Robots using BEAM technology” by Mark Tilden. Enjoy!

Make your very own game using Visual C++ Express Edition (or in any PL)

I’m sure you all have heard of “Guess the number” game. Well who hasn’t. It’s practically in every programming book of every programming languages by every programming authors. The reason perhaphs is you can actually make billions of games from it. All you need to do is make up some weird stories with number guessing involved in there then you are good to go. Here are some examples:

1. Mind Reader Game

Here's the code:

#pragma endregion
  //declare two variables. intrandom will handle the generated random numbers
  //intcounter will handle the number of incorrect guesses
   int intrandom;
   int intcounter;
 private: System::Void guessbutton_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {
  //create a random object named randgen based on the Random class
     Random^ randgen=gcnew Random();
     //generate a random number from 1 to 31 and store the generated number into a variable named intrandom
     //if the date inputted by the user is lesser than the generated number
     if (int::Parse(this->datetextBox->Text)statuslabel->Text="Sorry. Your guess is wrong. Perhaps you need some crystal ball?";
   //if its lesser than the generated number obviously the user has guessed it wrong so we acummulate the value
   //of the intcounter variable.
     intcounter=intcounter + 1;
   //if its greate than the generated number
     else if (int::Parse(this->datetextBox->Text)>intrandom)
      //display this message
      this->statuslabel->Text="It's not what the audienced had picked.Perhaps you need some chant or something.";
   //if its greater  than the generated number obviously the user has guessed it wrong again so we acummulate the value
   //of the intcounter variable.
      intcounter=intcounter + 1;
    //if the user has guessed it right. display the follwing message and disable the textbox.
      this->statuslabel->Text="You guessed it right. Congratulations! You are now a fullfledge magician.";
    //if the user has guessed it wrong thrice 
     if ( intcounter>2)
    //dsiplay this then disbale the textbox.
      this->statuslabel->Text="You have failed the test. Your remaining magic powers will be taken from you.";


2. Oil Magnate Game

Here's the code:

#pragma endregion
//I wont add comments on this one coz it’s practically the same code. we only //added random responses from the user if the answer is the answer is wrong
   int intrandom;
   int intcounter;
 private: System::Void guessbutton_Click(System::Object^  sender, System::EventArgs^  e) {
     Random^ randgen=gcnew Random();
     if (int::Parse(this->agetextBox->Text)Next(1,2);

     if (intrandom==1)
     this->statuslabel->Text="Im flattered but I'm not that young.";
     this->statuslabel->Text="I have a feeling  that you are just making fun of me.";

        intcounter=intcounter + 1;
     else if (int::Parse(this->agetextBox->Text)>intrandom)

     if (intrandom==1)
     this->statuslabel->Text="That's rude, I'm not that old.";
     this->statuslabel->Text="Are you stupid or something?";
      intcounter=intcounter + 1;
      this->statuslabel->Text="Congratulations! You have won the 3 billion dollars.";
     if ( intcounter>2)
      this->statuslabel->Text="You have used the maximum number of guesses and won nothing.";


So there...enjoy game programming :)

Say "Hello" to Blender and Flash

I have not written any programming guide in a while now coz I’m sort of in a “hiatus” or something. But I’ll post some as soon as my dopamine level rises up.

Meanwhile, if you are interested in things that move i.e. computer graphics, some of the great computer graphic softwares out there are Blender 3D and Adobe Flash.

Here are some of the basic animations that you can do with flash. These are made by my former students, I captured them using KRUTS and edited using PD11. Enjoy!

Here are some of the basic blender animations that you can do with blender. These are made by my former apprentices, you’ll see their names at the end of the movie. Anyways, enjoy!

Mousey the Junkbot

Mousey the Junkbot is a photovore(light-seeking robot) originally developed by Gareth Branwyn. It uses an old analog mouse, motors, light sensors. etc. It's not quite complicated to make and the steps in building it are readily available in the Internet. So if you have an idle time and you want to feel a sense of fulfillment or something, go ahead and build one.

Here’s a mobile video of a robot mouse made by one of my very appreciated minions.Lol. Enjoy!