Syntax: Console.ForegroundColor<-Color valueColor values are stored in the ConsoleColor object and has the following values:
1. Black 2. DarkBlue 3. DarkGreen 4. DarkCyan 5. DarkRed 6. DarkMagenta 7. DarkYellow | 8. Gray 9. DarkGray 10. Cyan 11. Red 12. Yellow 13. White |
Console.ForegroundColor<-ConsoleColor.ColornameFor the sake of example, let us make a console application that will display the text “I am cyan” in cyan text color by following these steps: 1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. 2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category. 3. The following should then come into view:
//Use the F# Library open System //assigns Cyan color to our console text color Console.ForegroundColor<-ConsoleColor.Cyan //Create a function named myfunction() let myfunction()= //adds an action to our function //in this case, displays an "I am Cyan" text printfn "I am Cyan" //executes our function myfunction()5. Press Ctrl+F5 to execute the console application. You should now see the following output:
6. To add a background color, you can use the BackgroundColor property of the Console object which follows the same syntax as ForegroundColor property. That’s all. Thanks!