BindingSource and BindingNavigator(OleDbDataAdapter Visual F#)

BindingSource allows us to simplify the binding process to our control. To create a binding source in Visual F#, use the following syntax:
let bindingsourceobjname=new BindingSource()
for instance:
let bindingsource=new BindingSource()
The two most important properties of BindingSource component are DataSource which specifies the data source of the bindingsource, and the Datamember which specifies the specific table to which your bindingsource is bound to.

BindingNavigator are simply used to add navigational buttons to your database application. The syntax in creating a binding source is:
let bindingnavigatorobjvariable=new BindingNavigator()
for instance:
let bindingnav=new BindingNavigator()
One of the essential properties of the BindingNavigator component is the BindingSource which specifies the bindingsource name to which the BindingNavigator is bound to.

Follow these steps for a simple example on using binding navigator:

Before the Database Connection and Binding process I want you to make an Ms-Access database file named “dbEmployee” containing a table named “tblEmployee”. Use the following specifications:

Field NameData Type Description
chrempno text Handles employee id
chrfnametext Handles employee’s name
chrlname text Holds employee’s last name

After designing the structure of your table, you can enter appropriate values for each field. For instance:

1John Doe
2Jean Doe

Now that we are done creating a table, we can now link to it by using OleDbDataAdapter in Visual F#:

1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category.

3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms. Do step 3 again and this time, select System.Drawing and System.Data from the .Net tab.

4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:

// Learn more about F# at
//specifies the location of the class files
//that will be needed in our application
open System
open System.Windows.Forms
open System.Data
open System.Drawing
//creates a connection object
let olecon = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;
  Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\dbEmployee.mdb")
//adds an oleDbDataAdapter
let dataadapter = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from tblEmployee", olecon)
//generate a dataset
let dataset11 = new DataSet()
//fill our dataset with record values
//creates a form
let dataform = new Form(Text="Change DataGrid Header",ClientSize=new System.Drawing.Size(398, 232))
//creates a datagrid
let datagrid = new DataGridView(ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode=DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize,Size=new System.Drawing.Size(341, 143),Location=new System.Drawing.Point(22, 38))
//creates a binding source to simplify the binding process
let bindingsource=new BindingSource()
//creates a binding navigator
//this will allow us to add navigational buttons to our data grid
let bindingnav=new BindingNavigator()
//creates a toolstrip buttons for our binding navigator
let movefirst=new ToolStripButton(Text="Top")
let moveprev=new ToolStripButton(Text="Prev")
let movenext=new ToolStripButton(Text="Next")
let movelast=new ToolStripButton(Text="Bottom")
//adds the toolstripbuttons to our binding navigator
//adds a function to each buttons
//assigns the dataset name as a bindingsource datasource
//assigns our table as a binding source datamember
//assigns the bindingsource name as a binding navigators
//bindingsource value
//opens the connection
//adds the controls to our form
datagrid.DataSource <- bindingsource

//add the datagrid to our form
//execute our application
5. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot: For more sketchy tutorials on Visual F# visit Microsoft F# Developer Center.

Changing the DataGridView Header Text in Visual F#

To change the header text of a grid contrl in Visual F#, the first thing that you’ll need to do is to create a grid view columns. This can be done by using the following syntax:
let columnname=new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
For instance:
let chrempnocol=new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
After that, you’ll need to add that column to the data grid. This can be done by using the following syntax:
For example:
Then finally, you’ll need to bind the column name to the fieldname where you will be getting the record value followed by changing its header text using the DataPropertyName and HeaderText propeties.

For a simple example on changing the header text of a grid control, follow these steps:

Before the Database Connection and Binding process I want you to make an Ms-Access database file named “dbEmployee” containing a table named “tblEmployee”. Use the following specifications:

Field NameData Type Description
chrempno text Handles employee id
chrfnametext Handles employee’s name
chrlname text Holds employee’s last name

After designing the structure of your table, you can enter appropriate values for each field. For instance:

1John Doe
2Jean Doe

Now that we are done creating a table, we can now link to it by using OleDbDataAdapter in Visual F#:

1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category.

3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms. Do step 3 again and this time, select System.Drawing and System.Data from the .Net tab.

4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:

// Learn more about F# at
//specifies the location of the class files
//that will be needed in our application
open System
open System.Windows.Forms
open System.Data
open System.Drawing
//creates a connection object
let olecon = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;
  Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\dbEmployee.mdb")
//adds an oleDbDataAdapter
let dataadapter = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from tblEmployee", olecon)
//generate a dataset
let dataset11 = new DataSet()
//fill our dataset with record values
//creates a form
let dataform = new Form(Text="Change DataGrid Header",ClientSize=new System.Drawing.Size(398, 232))
//creates a datagrid
let datagrid = new DataGridView(ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode=DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize,Size=new System.Drawing.Size(341, 143),Location=new System.Drawing.Point(22, 38))
//creates a grid control colums
let chrempnocol=new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
let chrfnamecol=new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
let chrlnamecol=new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
//adds the columns into our datagrid
//opens the database connection and
//set our table as the datagrid's datasource
datagrid.DataSource <- dataset11.Tables.["tblEmployee"]
//links our fieldname to each grid
//and change its header text
chrempnocol.HeaderText<-"Employee No."
chrfnamecol.HeaderText<-"First Name"
chrlnamecol.HeaderText<-"Last Name"
//add the datagrid to our form
//execute our application
5. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot:
For more sketchy tutorials on Visual F# visit Microsoft F# Developer Center.That's all for now:)

Binding a Record Value To a Control (OleDbDataAdapter Visual F#)

To bind a record value to a control, simply use the DataBindings method of the control which has the following syntax:

controlobjvariable.DataBindings.Add(new Binding(controlproperty, datasetname, fieldname))
For instance:

fnamelabel.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", dataset11, "Table1.fname", true))
For a simple data binding example, follow these steps:

Before the Database Connection and Binding process I want you to make an Ms-Access database file named “dbEmployee” containing a table named “tblEmployee”. Use the following specifications:

Field NameData Type Description
chrempno text Handles employee id
chrfnametext Handles employee’s name
chrlname text Holds employee’s last name

After designing the structure of your table, you can enter appropriate values for each field. For instance:

2010AJohn Doe
2010BJean Doe

Now that we are done creating a table, we can now link to it by using OleDbDataAdapter in Visual F#:

1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category.

3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms. Do step 3 again and this time, select System.Drawing and System.Data from the .Net tab.

4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:

// Learn more about F# at
//specifies the memory location of the class files
//that will be needed in our application
open System
open System.Windows.Forms
open System.Data
open System.Drawing
//creates a font
let ffont=new Font("Verdana", 9.75F,FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point)  
//creates a connection object
let oleconn = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;
  Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\station 2\My Documents\dbEmployee.mdb")
 //creates an OleDbDataAdapter
let dataadpter = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from tblEmployee", oleconn)
//generates a dataset
let dataset11 = new DataSet()
//fills the dataset with recod values
//creates a form
let dataform = new Form(Text="Use OleDbDataAdapter",AutoScaleDimensions=new System.Drawing.SizeF(60.0F, 13.0F),ClientSize=new System.Drawing.Size(300, 200),StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen)
//creates our controls
let exitbutton=new Button(Text="Exit", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(190, 170))  
let label1=new Label(Text="Employee number:",Location=new System.Drawing.Point(0, 10),AutoSize=true)
let label2=new Label(Text="Firstname:",Location=new System.Drawing.Point(0, 50),AutoSize=true)
let label3=new Label(Text="Lastname:",Location=new System.Drawing.Point(0,100),AutoSize=true)
let emplabel=new Label(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(140,10),BorderStyle=BorderStyle.FixedSingle)
let fnamelabel=new Label(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(100,50),BorderStyle=BorderStyle.FixedSingle)
let lnamelabel=new Label(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(100,100),BorderStyle=BorderStyle.FixedSingle)
//assings the font to our form
//adds the controls to our form
//binds the fieldnames to our label
emplabel.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text",dataset11,"tblEmployee.chrempno"))
fnamelabel.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text",dataset11,"tblEmployee.chrfname"))
lnamelabel.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text",dataset11,"tblEmployee.chrlname"))
//when the exit button is clicked
exitbutton.Click.Add(fun exit->
//close the form and dataconnection

//executes our application

5. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot:

Linking to an Ms-Access DataSource using OledbDataAdapter in Visual F#

To link to an Ms-Access data source, the first thing that you’ll need to do is to create an object variable based on the OleDbConnection class. OleDbConnection specifies the name of the Data Provider and the Location of the database file that you wish to link to. To create an OleDbConnection object use the following syntax:
let Oledbconnectionobjvariable = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=DataProviderName;
Data Source=Url and filename of the database file")
For instance:
let Oledbconnectionobjvariable = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider= Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;
Data Source=C:\Mydatabasefile.mdb")
Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 is a data provider used to link to Ms-Access 2003 or higher database files.
After creating an OledbConnectionObject, the next thing that you’ll need to do is to add an OleDbDataAdapter control, to specify how the data will be displayed on your form and the information about the connection. This can be done by using the following syntax:
let oledbdataadapterobjvariable= new System.Data.OleDb. OleDbDataAdapter("SQL statement", ConnectionString)
ConnectionString refers to the information about the connection and is saved in the Oledbconnection object.

Lastly, youll need to create a storage location for your table values. This can be done by creating a Dataset. To create a dataset, use the following syntax:
Let Datasetobjvariable=new Dataset()
For a simple example on using OleDbDataAdapter to an AccessDataSource, follow these steps:

Before the Database Connection and Binding process I want you to make an Ms-Access database file named “dbEmployee” containing a table named “tblEmployee”. Use the following specifications:

Field NameData Type Description
chrempno text Handles employee id
chrfnametext Handles employee’s name
chrlname text Holds employee’s last name

After designing the structure of your table, you can enter appropriate values for each field. For instance:

2010AJohn Doe
2010BJean Doe

Now that we are done creating a table, we can now link to it by using OleDbDataAdapter in Visual F#:

1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category.

3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms. Do step 3 again and this time, select System.Drawing and System.Data from the .Net tab.

4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:

// Learn more about F# at
//specifies the memory location of the class files
//that will be needed in our application
open System
open System.Windows.Forms
open System.Data
open System.Drawing
//creates a font
let ffont=new Font("Verdana", 9.75F,FontStyle.Italic, GraphicsUnit.Point)  
//creates a connection object
let oleconn = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;
Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\station 2\My Documents\dbEmployee.mdb")
//creates an OleDbDataAdapter
let dataadpter = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from tblEmployee", oleconn)
//generates a dataset
let dataset11 = new DataSet()
//fills the dataset with recod values
//creates a form
let dataform = new Form(Text="Use OleDbDataAdapter",AutoScaleDimensions=new System.Drawing.SizeF(60.0F, 13.0F),ClientSize=new System.Drawing.Size(300, 200),StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen)
//creates an exit button
let exitbutton=new Button(Text="Exit", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(190, 170))  
//creates a gridview control
let datagrid = new DataGridView(Dock=DockStyle.None)
//opens the connection to the datasource
//assign our table
//as a datagrid datasource
datagrid.DataSource <- dataset11.Tables.["tblEmployee"]
//add the controls to our form
//when the exit button is clicked
exitbutton.Click.Add(fun exit->
//close the form and dataconnection

//executes our application

5. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot:

Wrapping the contents submitted from a textarea in PHP

By default, the texts submitted from a textarea in PHP are displayed in an unbroken single line. For instance, if you have entered the following lorem ipsum text:

It will be displayed as:

This simply tells us that PHP ignores the breaklines posted from a textarea control. This glitch cannot be solved by simply using the WRAP attribute of the textarea tag. Fortunately, PHP provide us with several string functions that can use to solve this problem. One of these functions is the wordwrap function which wraps text depending on the number of character specified by the user. The wordwrap function has the following syntax:

wordwrap(“text to wrap”, columnwidth ,breakline);
For instance:

wordwrap(“Hello world”,5,"<br/>")
For a sample usage of wordwrap in solving the textarea wrapping problem, follow these steps:

1. Start your text editor (Notepad, Notepad++, or Programmers Notepad).
2. Enter the following:


<!--if the submit button is not yet clicked-->

<!--display our form-->
<FORM ACTION="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" Method="POST" >
  Enter your message:<br>
<TEXTAREA  WRAp="hard" ROWS="8" COLS="30" NAME="usermsg"></TEXTAREA><br>
<INPUT TYPE="Submit" VALUE="Submit" Name="Submitted"></INPUT> <INPUT TYPE="Reset" VALUE="Clear">



<!--display the text from the textarea-->
echo "$msg";

3. Save it as sample.php in the htdocs folder.
4. Launch your web browser.
5. Type the following in the address bar:
6. You should now see the following:

7. Try entering a long text in the textarea to see the wordwrap effect. For more information on using the wordwrap string function visit That's all!

Changing the Pointer when the mouse hovers an object(Visual F#)

To change the mouse pointer when the mouse hovers an object, use the Cursor property. All form controls in Visual F# has Cursor property. To use the Cursor property, use the following syntax:
For example:
Some CursorStyles values are NoMove2D,Cross and PanSouth. To understand the usage of the Cursor property, try the following example: 1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. 2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category. 3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms. Do step 3 again and this time, select System.Drawing from the .Net tab. 4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:
// Learn more about F# at
//specify the namespace memory location
//of the classes that will be needed in our application
open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Windows.Forms
//create our controls
let ffont=new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif",9.0F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point)
let myform=new Form(Text="Use Cursors",AutoScaleDimensions=new System.Drawing.SizeF(60.0F, 13.0F),ClientSize=new System.Drawing.Size(207, 133),StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen)
let llabel1=new Label(Text="Hand Cursor",AutoSize=true,Location=new System.Drawing.Point(20, 80))
let llabel2=new Label(Text="AppStarting Cursor",AutoSize=true,Location=new System.Drawing.Point(120,80))
//add the controls into our form
//add a mousehover and mouseleave events to our controls
//when the mouse hovers our labels, its cursor style,forecolor, and font size will change
//when the mouse leaves our control, the cursor style, label forecolor, and font size will
//return back to default
llabel1.MouseHover.Add(fun disphandcursor->
                  let ffont=new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif",12.0F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point)
llabel1.MouseLeave.Add(fun changefontsize->
                  let ffont=new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif",9.0F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point)
llabel2.MouseHover.Add(fun dispappcursor->
                  let ffont=new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif",12.0F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point)
llabel2.MouseLeave.Add(fun retainsfontsize->
                  let ffont=new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif",9.0F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point)
//executes our application
5. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot:

TabControl(Visual F#)

TabControl is a control that can be used to organize information. It can be utilized as a good alternative to menustrip control. To Create a TabControl in Visual F#, use the folowing syntax:
let tabcontrolobjvariable=new TabControl()
For example:
let tabcontrol=new TabControl()
To add a page to your tab control, use the Create an object from the TabPage class using the following syntax:
Let tabpageobjvariable=new TabPage()
For example:
Let tabpage=new TabPage()
For a simple example on using TabControl, follow these steps:

1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category.
3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms. Do step 3 again and this time, select System.Drawing from the .Net tab.
4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:

// Learn more about F# at
//use the F# library
open System
//use the drawing classes
open System.Drawing
//specifies the location of the form class
open System.Windows.Forms
//specifies the font face and style
let ffont=new Font("Arial", 9.75F,FontStyle.Italic, GraphicsUnit.Point)
//creates a form
let tabform=new Form(Text="Use TabControl",StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font,ClientSize=new System.Drawing.Size(250,250),FormBorderStyle=FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle)
//creates a tab control set its TabSizeMode to fixed
let tabcontrol=new TabControl(SizeMode=TabSizeMode.Fixed,Location=new System.Drawing.Point(20, 20),Size=new System.Drawing.Size(214, 192))
//creates a new tab page
let page1=new TabPage(Text="First Tab",Cursor=Cursors.Hand)
//creates a new label
let page1label=new Label(Text="This is page1",Font=ffont,Location=new System.Drawing.Point(20, 20))
//creates another tab page
let page2=new TabPage(Text="Second Tab",Cursor=Cursors.Hand)
//creates another label
let page2label=new Label(Text="This is page2",Font=ffont,Location=new System.Drawing.Point(20, 20))
//adds the tabcontrol to our form
//adds the tab pages to our tab control
//adds the label to the first page
//adds the second page to our tab control
//adds the second label to our tab control
//executes our application

5. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot:

Property Grid Control(Visual F#)

A property grid cotrol is a control used to display the properties associated to an object. To make a property grid control, use the following syntax:
Let propertygridobjvariable=new PropertyGrid()
For example:
let props=new PropertyGrid()
One of the important property is the SelectedObject property which defines the name of the object from which the grid control will get its returned properties. The syntax for SelectedObject property is:
For example:
For the sake of example, follow these steps: 1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. 2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category. 3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms. Do step 3 again and this time, select System.Drawing from the .Net tab. 4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:
// Learn more about F# at
//use the F# library
open System
//use the drawing class. Enables intellisense
open System.Drawing
//use the form class
open System.Windows.Forms
//creates a new form
let myform=new Form(Text="Use Process Grid",StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font)
//creates a textbox
let txtbox=new TextBox(Text="Textbox", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(5, 240))
//creates a label
let lbl=new Label(Text="Label", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(120, 240),AutoSize=true,BorderStyle=BorderStyle.FixedSingle)
//make a button from the button class
let button=new Button(Text="Button", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(200, 240))
//make a property grid control
let props=new PropertyGrid(Size=new System.Drawing.Size(180, 220),Left=50)
//adds a descriptive label
let desc=new Label(Text="Click the control below to view its properties...",AutoSize=true,Top=220)
//add the controls to our form
//when the txtbox is clicked,display its properties in the property grid
txtbox.Click.Add(fun txtprops->props.SelectedObject<-txtbox)
//when the label is clicked,display its properties in the property grid
lbl.Click.Add(fun txtprops->props.SelectedObject<-lbl)
//when the button is clicked,display its properties in the property grid
button.Click.Add(fun txtprops->props.SelectedObject<-button)
//executes our application

5. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot:

Picturebox Control(Visual F#)

Picturebox is a control used to display an image on your form. To create a picturebox, use the following syntax:
let pictureboxobjvariable=new PictureBox()
for instance:
let picbox=new PictureBox()
To specify the url of an image to display in the picturebox, use the Image property.

pictureboxobjvariable.ImageLocation<-"url of an existent image"
for instance:
Just make sure that myimage.jpg exist on your computer. Follow the steps below for a simple example on using a picturebox. 1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. 2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category. 3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms. Do step 3 again and this time, select System.Drawing from the .Net tab. 4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:
//use the f# standard library
// Learn more about F# at

open System
//use this to enable the intellisense. Very helpful in coding your application
open System.Drawing 
//specify the location of the Form classes
open System.Windows.Forms 
//create a form named imageform
let imageform=new Form(Text="Use PictureBox",StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font)
//creates a horizontal scrollbar
let hscroll=new HScrollBar(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(10, 230),Width=270)
//creates a tooltip
let tip=new ToolTip(IsBalloon=true,ToolTipIcon=ToolTipIcon.Info)
//creates a picturebox named picbox
//set the sizemode to autosize to adjust the size of the picturebox
//depending on the size of your image
//sets the picturebox borderstyle to fixed single
let picbox=new PictureBox(SizeMode=PictureBoxSizeMode.AutoSize,BorderStyle=BorderStyle.FixedSingle,Top=5)
//adds the picturebox on your form
//adds the scrollbar to our form
//displays a tooltip when the mouse hovers the scrollbar
hscroll.MouseHover.Add(fun desc->tip.SetToolTip(hscroll,"Drag the scroll box to move the image"))
//change the horizontal position of the image when the scrollbox is moved
hscroll.Scroll.Add(fun move->picbox.Left<-Convert.ToInt32(hscroll.Value.ToString()))
//executes your application
5. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot: If you want a more in depth explanation on this controls, visit the MSDN website at or the Microsoft F# Development Center at

Using a timer control in Visual F#

Timer controls are used to automatically execute an action after a specified time has elapsed. To create a timer control in F#, use the following syntax:
let timerobjvariable=new Timer()
For instance:
let timer=new Timer()
For a simple example on using a timer control, follow these steps:

1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category.

3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms.
Do step 3 again and this time, select System.Drawing from the .Net tab.

4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:
// Learn more about F# at
//use the F# library
open System
//use this to enable the intellisense. Very helpful in coding your application
open System.Drawing 
//specify the location of the Form classes
open System.Windows.Forms
//creates a form
let timerform=new Form(Text="Use Timer",StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font)
//use the random function to generate random numbers
let exitbutton=new Button(Text="Exit", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(200, 220))
let random=new Random()
//create a timer object and set its interval to 1 second
//by default timer are disabled so you'll need to enable it
let timer1=new Timer(Interval=1000,Enabled=true)
//assigns a random backcolor to our form 
//change it every 1 second
timer1.Tick.Add(fun time->timerform.BackColor<-Color.FromArgb(random.Next(0,255),random.Next(0,255),random.Next(0,255)))
//adds the exit button to our form
//when the exit button is clicked
exitbutton.Click.Add(fun quit->
//stops the time
//close the form
//show our form
//execute our application

5. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot:

If you want a more in depth explanation on this controls, visit the MSDN website at or the Microsoft F# Development Center at

Activating a new Form at run-time (Visual F#)

To activate a new form at run-time, simply use the Show and Hide methods of the form. The following steps demonstrate a simple example:

1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category.

3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms.
Do step 3 again and this time, select System.Drawing from the .Net tab.

4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:
//use the F# standard library
open System
//use the drawing class
open System.Drawing 
//Specifies the memory location of the form class
open System.Windows.Forms 
//create a font object
let ffont=new Font("Arial",12.0f,FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point)
//creates a form named “firstform”
let firstform=new Form(Text="Display First Form",StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font,ClientSize=new System.Drawing.Size(200,200),FormBorderStyle=FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle)
//creates a label,sets its caption to “This is the first form”
let fformlabel=new Label(Text="This is the first form",AutoSize=true)
//make a button,sets its caption to Second Form
let nxtbutton=new Button(Text="Second Form", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(100, 200),AutoSize=true)
//creates another button, set its text to exit
let fexitbutton=new Button(Text="Exit", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(200, 200),AutoSize=true)
//adds the controls we made to the first form
//applies font format to our label
//when the “Second Form” button of the first form is clicked
nxtbutton.Click.Add(fun nxtform->
//hides the first form
//create a new form named secondform
let secondform=new Form(Text="Second Form", StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font,ClientSize=new System.Drawing.Size(200,200),FormBorderStyle=FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle)
//create a label and sets its caption to “This is the second form”
let sformlabel=new Label(Text="This is the second form",AutoSize=true)
//creates a button and sets its text to “First Form”
let prevbutton=new Button(Text="First Form", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(100, 200))
//adds a button, set its text to “Exit”
let sexitbutton=new Button(Text="Exit", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(200, 200))
//show the second form
//add the controls we made on the second form
//applies font format to our label
//when the “First Form” button of the second form is clicked
prevbutton.Click.Add(fun prevform->
//show the first form
//hide the second form
//when the exit button of the second form is clicked
sexitbutton.Click.Add(fun quit->
//close the first form
//close the second form
//when the exit button of the first form is clicked
//close the first form
fexitbutton.Click.Add(fun quit->firstform.Close())                     
//executes our application

Here is our sample code again and this time comments omitted.
open System
open System.Drawing  
open System.Windows.Forms
let ffont=new Font("Arial",12.0f,FontStyle.Bold, , GraphicsUnit.Point) 
let firstform=new Form(Text="First Form", StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font,ClientSize=new System.Drawing.Size(200,200),FormBorderStyle=FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle)
let fformlabel=new Label(Text="This is the first form",AutoSize=true)
let nxtbutton=new Button(Text="Second Form", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(100, 200),AutoSize=true)
let fexitbutton=new Button(Text="Exit", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(200, 200),AutoSize=true)

nxtbutton.Click.Add(fun nxtform->
let secondform=new Form(Text="Second Form", StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font,ClientSize=new System.Drawing.Size(200,200),FormBorderStyle=FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle)
let sformlabel=new Label(Text="This is the second form",AutoSize=true)
let prevbutton=new Button(Text="First Form", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(100, 200))
let sexitbutton=new Button(Text="Exit", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(200, 200))
prevbutton.Click.Add(fun prevform->
sexitbutton.Click.Add(fun quit->

fexitbutton.Click.Add(fun quit->firstform.Close())                     

5. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot:

MonthCalendar Control(Visual F#)

MonthCalendar control is essentially used to display monthly calendar on your application. To make a month calendar control, follow the following syntax:
Let calendarobjvariable=new MonthCalendar()
Let calendar=new MonthCalendar()
For a simple example on using month calendar follow these steps:

1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category.

3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms.Do step 3 again and this time, select System.Drawing.

4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:

//use the F# standard library
open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Windows.Forms 
//sets the font face and font style of our calendar
let myfont=new Font("Arial",11.0f,FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point)
//create a form
let calendarform=new Form(Text="Use MonthCalendar",StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font)
//create a calendar object named calendar
//sets its minimum date to jan 1 1999 
//set the maximum date displayed to it to Jan 1,8013
let calendar=new MonthCalendar(MinDate=Convert.ToDateTime("1 Jan,1999"),MaxDate=Convert.ToDateTime("1 Jan,8013"),Location=new System.Drawing.Point(30,10))
//change the title backcolor to crimson
//applies the font to our calendar
//change the calendar backcolor to Bisque
//adds the calendar control to our form
//executes our application
5. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot: If you want a more in depth explanation on this controls, visit the MSDN website at or the Microsoft F# Development Center at

Adding ToolTips(Visual F# Windows Forms Application)

Tooltips are typically used to display a descriptive text when the mouse pointer hovers a control. To create a tooltip, use the following syntax:
let tooltipobjvaribale=new ToolTip()
For example:
let tip=new ToolTip()
One of the essential methods of the ToolTip object is the SetToolTip method which allows user to connect the tooltip to a specified control. SetToolTip has the following syntax:
tooltipobjvariable.SetToolTip(object variable of the control where you wanted to display the tooltip,”tooltiptext”)
tip.SetToolTip(addbutton,"Click here to add”)

The following steps demonstrates a simple example in using ToolTips.

The following example demonstrate a simple application using WebBrowser control:

1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category.

3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms.

4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:

//uses the F# standard library
open System
//use the drawing classes 
open System.Drawing
//specifies the location of the form class
open System.Windows.Forms 
//make a form add set its caption to “Add Tooltip”
let myfont=new Font("Arial",8.0f,FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Point)
let tipform=new Form(Text="Add Tooltip",StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font)
//create a label
let desclabel=new Label(Text="Hover your mouse on the button...",Width=400,AutoSize=false)
//make a button and assign an “Exit” to it
let exitbutton=new Button(Text="Exit",Location=new System.Drawing.Point(200,220))
//create a tooltip and set its Title to “Use ToolTip”
//enable the balloon form
//add a warning icon. Other icon values are warning and info
let tip=new ToolTip(ToolTipTitle="Use ToolTip",IsBalloon=true,ToolTipIcon=ToolTipIcon.Warning)
//add the controls to our form
//when the mouse hovers the exit button
exitbutton.MouseHover.Add(fun tipmsg->
//display our tip
tip.SetToolTip(exitbutton,"Click here to quit"))
//quits the form when the exit button is clicked
exitbutton.Click.Add(fun quit->tipform.Close())
//executes our application
5. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot:

WebBrowser control(Visual F# Windows Forms Application)

WebBrowser control is a control used to display a web page or web document. To create a WebBrowser control in F#, use the following syntax:

let webbrowserobjvaribale=new WebBrowser()
For instance:
let browser=new WebBrowser()
One of the important methods of the WebBrowser object is the Navigate method which is used to navigate and display the specified URL. Navigate method has the following syntax:
For Example:
The following example demonstrate a simple application using WebBrowser control:

1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category.

3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms.
Do step 3 again and this time select System.Drawing.

4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:
// Learn more about F# at
//uses the standard F# library
open System
//use the drawing classes
open System.Drawing 
//specify the namespace memory location of the form class
open System.Windows.Forms
//creates a new font
let myfont=new Font("Arial",8.0f,FontStyle.Regular,GraphicsUnit.Point) 
//creates a new form
let webform=new Form(Text="Use WebBrowser",Width=400,StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font,FormBorderStyle=FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle)
let addresslabel=new Label(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(15, 5),Text="Enter URL:",AutoSize=true)
let urltextbox=new TextBox(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(80, 5))
let openpgbutton=new Button(Text="Open Page",Location=new System.Drawing.Point(190, 5))
let opennpbutton=new Button(Text="New Window",Location=new System.Drawing.Point(280, 5),AutoSize=true)
//create a webbrowser control and change its dock property to none
//so that it will not occupy the whole form
let browser=new WebBrowser(Dock=DockStyle.None,Size=new System.Drawing.Size(300, 200),Location=new System.Drawing.Point(40, 30),MinimumSize=new System.Drawing.Size(20, 20))               
//changes the font to arial
//adds the controls into our form
//when the form is loaded
webform.Load.Add(fun defa->
            //display the google page
//locate and navigate the webaddress inpputed in the textbox
openpgbutton.Click.Add(fun openpage->
//opens the page in a new window
opennpbutton.Click.Add(fun openpageinnewwindow->
//executes our application

5. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot:

If you want a more in depth explanation on this controls, visit the MSDN website at or the Microsoft F# Development Center at

ListBox Control( Visual F#’s Windows Form Application)

Listbox are normally used to present a list of data to the user. To create a listbox, use the following syntax:
Let listboxobjvariable=new Listbox()
For instance:
Let listbox=new Listbox()
One of the most important methods of the ListBox object is the Add method which allows user to add an item into the listbox. Add method has the following syntax:
listboxobjvariable=new ListBox()
For instance:
There are several usable properties and methods of the listbox object apart from the add method which includes SelectedItem(displays the listbox item text),SelectedIndex(returns the index number of the selected item),Count(counts the number of items),RemoveAt(Deletes an item),and Clear(wipes out the contents of the listbox). In the preceding example, we will just be using the Add method. Just follow these steps:

1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category.

3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms.
Do Step 3 again and select System.Drawing from the .Net tab.

4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:
//use the f# standard library
open System
//specify the memory location of the classes used in drawing objects
//required to draw the listbox item text
open System.Drawing
//specify the location of the form class
open System.Windows.Forms
//creates a form and assign a Use listbox function to it
let sampleform=new Form(Text="Use Listbox",StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font)
//creates a label and set its Text to “Count”
let lbl=new Label(Text="Country:", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(20,10),AutoSize=true)
//makes a listbox
let countrylistbox=new ListBox(Sorted=true,Location=new System.Drawing.Point(20,30),FormattingEnabled=true)
//adds an item to the listbox when the form is loaded
sampleform.Load.Add(fun i->
     //adds the items and ignore the passed index position values
                    countrylistbox.Items.Add("United States")|>ignore
//displays the label to our form
//adds the listbox to our form    
//executes the application

5. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot:

If you want a more in depth explanation on this controls, visit the MSDN website at or the Microsoft F# Development Center at

Check box, Radio button, and Group box in Visual F#'s Windows Form Application

One of the most commonly used form controls in real-life application is the check box. A check box is a control that allows user to select various options from a group of options. To create a check box in Visual F#, use the following syntax:

let checkboxobjvariable=new CheckBox()

For instance:
let chk=new CheckBox()
Some of the essential properties of check box are Text and Checked. The Text property enables user to add a text beside a check box while the Checked property checks or unchecks a check box and can handle the boolean value true or false. Visual F#’s check box shares the same properties with the check boxes in other visual programming languages such as Visual C++, Visual J# and Visual Basic, so if you want to learn its other properties, check the check box properties of other visual programming languages.

Radio button of the other hand, is the complete opposite of check box for the fact that it only allow a single selection among a list of options. To change the text beside the radio button, use the Text property. It also has a Checked property which enables user to tick or untick the radio button.

To create a radio button, use the following syntax:
let radiobuttonobjvariable=new RadioButton()
For example:
let rdo=new RadioButton()
To group check boxes and radio buttons, a control called group box is used. Though there are several properties of radio buttons, the most frequently used is the Text property and is used to change the group box header text. To create a group box, use the following syntax:
Let groupboxobjvariable=new GroupBox()
For instance:
Let grp=new GroupBox()
Let’s now use the check box, radio button, and group box in a single application. Just follow these steps:

1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category.

3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms.
Do step 3 again and this time, select System.Drawing

4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:
// Learn more about F# at
//use the Visual F# library
open System
//use System.Drawing
open System.Drawing
//specifies the location of the Form classes
open System.Windows.Forms
//creates a form named cnbform and assign a “Use Radio Button” caption to it
let cnbform=new Form(Text="Use Radio Button",StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font)
//creates a group box and sets its header text to “RadioButtons”
//Use the Top and Left properties to align it in the form
let gbox1=new GroupBox(Text="RadioButtons", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(10,5),Height=80)
//creates a radio button and change its text to “First radio button”
//Use the top and left property to align it in the group box
let radio1=new RadioButton(Text="First radio button", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(20,20),AutoSize=true)
//creates radio button and set its text to “Second radio button”
//Use the autosize property to automatically expand the width of text handler
let radio2=new RadioButton(Text="Second radio button", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(20,40),AutoSize=true)
//creates a group box and set its text to “CheckBoxes”
//position the group box in the form by using the Top and Left properties
let gbox2=new GroupBox(Text="CheckBoxes",Height=80, Location=new System.Drawing.Point(10,100))
//creates a check box and change its text to “First checkbox”
//Use the top and left property to align it in the group box
let check1=new CheckBox(Text="First checkbox", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(20,20),AutoSize=true)
//creates another check box and change its text to “Second checkbox”
//Use the top and left property to align it in the group box

let check2=new CheckBox(Text="Second checkbox", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(20,40),AutoSize=true)
//creates a button and set its text to “Exit”
let exitbutton=new Button(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(200,200),Text="Exit")

//displays the first group box into the form
//adds the radio buttons into the groupbox

//adds the second group box into the form
//displays the checkboxes into the second groupbox

//inserts the exit button into the form
//attach a click event to the first radio button then assign a function to it
radio1.Click.Add(fun r1msg->
//check the first checkbox
               //unchecks the first checkbox

//attach a click event to the first radio button then assign a function to it

radio2.Click.Add(fun r2msg->
//check the second checkbox
              //unchecks the first checkbox
//quits the form when the exit button is clicked                 
exitbutton.Click.Add(fun bact->cnbform.Close())    
//shows the form       
//runs the application
5. Lets view of our again once again and this time, comments omitted:

// Learn more about F# at
open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Windows.Forms
let cnbform=new Form(Text="Use Radio Button",StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font)

let gbox1=new GroupBox(Text="RadioButtons", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(10,5),Height=80)
let radio1=new RadioButton(Text="First radio button", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(20,20),AutoSize=true)
let radio2=new RadioButton(Text="Second radio button", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(20,40),AutoSize=true)

let gbox2=new GroupBox(Text="CheckBoxes",Height=80, Location=new System.Drawing.Point(10,100))
let check1=new CheckBox(Text="First checkbox", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(20,20),AutoSize=true)
let check2=new CheckBox(Text="Second checkbox", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(20,40),AutoSize=true)

let exitbutton=new Button(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(200,200),Text="Exit")




radio1.Click.Add(fun r1msg->
radio2.Click.Add(fun r2msg->
exitbutton.Click.Add(fun bact->cnbform.Close())           

6. Click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see an output similar to the following screen shot:

Add Two Numbers (Visual F# Windows Forms Application)

I’d been desperately combing the net for a while now looking for some tutorials relating to simple computations in Visual F# Windows Forms Application unfortunately I got no fluke finding some so I decided to make one. Today we will be making a simple application that adds two numbers and I hope that this will give you a head start in building advanced application using F# Windows Forms.
To create an application that adds two numbers, follow these simple steps:

1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category.

3. Click the Project menu>Add reference>Click the .Net tab>Locate then double-click System.Windows.Forms.
Do step number 3 again and this time,select System.Drawing

4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:

// Learn more about F# at
//uses the F# standard library
open System
//specifies the location of the Drawing classes
open System.Drawing
//specifies the namespace memory location of the form class
open System.Windows.Forms
//creates a new form
let addform=new Form(Text="Add Numbers", Size=new System.Drawing.Size(300, 200),StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font)
//creates a label
let n1label=new Label(Text="First number:",Top=20,Left=5,AutoSize=true)
let firsttextbox=new TextBox(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(80, 20))
//creates another label and change its text to “Second number:”
let n2label=new Label(Text="Second number:", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(0,50),AutoSize=true)
let secondtextbox=new TextBox(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(100,50))
//creates another label and change its text to sum
let n3label=new Label(Text="Sum:", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(0, 90),AutoSize=true)
//creates a label that will display the result of the computation
let anslabel=new Label(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(80, 90))
//make our buttons
let addbutton=new Button(Text="Add", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(100, 130))
let exitbutton=new Button(Text="Exit", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(200, 130))
//add the controls into the form

//when the add button is clicked
addbutton.Click.Add(fun addfunction ->
//convert the textbox values to unsigned int
let firstnum=Convert.ToUInt32(firsttextbox.Text)
let secondnum=Convert.ToUInt32(secondtextbox.Text)
let sumval=firstnum + secondnum
//display the sum in the anslabel
 //when the exit button is clicked, close the form            
exitbutton.Click.Add(fun exit -> addform.Close())  

6. Press Ctrl+F5 or click the run icon to execute your application. You should now see something similar to the screenshot below:

7. That's all. Enjoy programming!

Fixing the “Fatal Error: Call to undefined imagecreate() function” in PHP

The "call to undefined imagecreate() function" normally appears if you try to execute graphic related scripts such as CAPTCHA scripts. To fix this problem, follow these simple steps:

1. Download a copy of PHP zip package from

2. For the sake of example, we will be using PHP 5.2.14 Windows Binary Zip Package.

3. Once you have downloaded the file, Right-Click it>Extract files>In the Winrar Destination path, enter “C:\PHP\” no quotes. If you have previously installed PHP distros just overwrite it.(I’ve assumed here that you have Winrar installed on your computer.)

4. Go to where your PHP file was extracted, in this case in the C:\ directory.

5. Locate php.ini-dist and rename it to php.ini.(Overwite the previous php.ini).

6. Right-click php.ini>Select Open. The following should then appear:

7. Click Edit>Select Find then enter extension_dir in the Find what textbox.

8. Change the line extension_dir=”./” to extension_dir=”C:\PHP\ext”.

9. Click Edit>Find>Enter “gd”(no quotes) in the Find what textbox then click Find Next.

10. Delete the semi-colon(;) before the line ;extension=php_gd2.dll.

11. Click File the Save. You should now be able to execute your captcha scripts without errors. Here is the screenshot of my captcha that I was able to execute effortlessly using these fixes:

12. If you continue to encounter error messages, try restarting your computer.

13. That's all. Ciao!

Changing the text color of an F# Console Application

By default, console texts are displayed in white. To change the text color, use the Console object together with its ForegroundColor Property.

Console.ForegroundColor<-Color value
Color values are stored in the ConsoleColor object and has the following values:

1. Black
2. DarkBlue
3. DarkGreen
4. DarkCyan
5. DarkRed
6. DarkMagenta
7. DarkYellow

8. Gray
9. DarkGray
10. Cyan
11. Red
12. Yellow
13. White

To assign the ConsoleColor object as a value of the Console ForegroundColor property, use the following syntax:
For the sake of example, let us make a console application that will display the text “I am cyan” in cyan text color by following these steps: 1. Click Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008>Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. 2. Click File>New>Project>Select Visual F# in the project types>Select F# application in the Visual Studio installed templates category. 3. The following should then come into view: 4. Enter the following code after the line “// Learn more about F# at “:
//Use the F# Library
open System
//assigns Cyan color to our console text color
//Create a function named myfunction()
let myfunction()=
//adds an action to our function
//in this case, displays an "I am Cyan" text
printfn "I am Cyan"
//executes our function        
5. Press Ctrl+F5 to execute the console application. You should now see the following output:
6. To add a background color, you can use the BackgroundColor property of the Console object which follows the same syntax as ForegroundColor property. That’s all. Thanks!

Creating a menu system in Dark GDK

There are several ways on how to create a menu system in Dark GDK but since I hate to complicate simple things, today we will be learning the simplest. The idea is to assign a sprite as a customized mouse pointer and hide that sprite when your game is loaded using dbHideSprite so that only the mouse pointer is visible and not your customized sprite pointer. The next problem would be to test which menu item or button was clicked, to be able to do that, simply use dbSpriteHit or dbSpriteCollission to check whether your hidden sprite acting as your mouse pointer collided with your button sprite. It’s that simple. If you are confused, follow these steps:

1. Before the actual programming, draw the buttons and customized mouse pointer that will be needed in your game using your favorite image creation software such as Paint, GIMP, or PhotoShop. It does not matter how your customized mouse pointer looks like because it will not show up on your form, just make sure that you buttons and your customized pointer are of the same height and width.

2. Start Microsoft Visual C++. Click File>New>Project>Select Wizards>Dark GDK-Game>Type “Using Menu” in the name textbox no quotes.

3. Minimize the MSVC++ window then go to My Documents>Visual Studio 2008>Projects>Using Menu>Using Menu> Then paste the images that you have created in step 1.

4. Maximize Visual C++>View>Solution Explorer>Double-Click Main.cpp. The following should then come into view:
// Dark GDK - The Game Creators -

// the wizard has created a very simple project that uses Dark GDK
// it contains the basic code for a GDK application

// whenever using Dark GDK you must ensure you include the header file
#include "DarkGDK.h"

// the main entry point for the application is this function
void DarkGDK ( void )
 // turn on sync rate and set maximum rate to 60 fps
 dbSyncOn   ( );
 dbSyncRate ( 60 );

 // our main loop
 while ( LoopGDK ( ) )
  // update the screen
  dbSync ( );

 // return back to windows

5. Locate the line void DarkGDK ( void ) then type the following after the line dbSyncRate ( 60 );
//loads our images
//displays our images

6.If you try to run this,only the "Say Hi" and "Exit" buttons are visible.That's because we haven't display our sprite pointer yet.To view it, locate the line while ( LoopGDK ( ) ) and type the following aster the open curly bracket:

//assigns the currentX and CurrentY position
//of our mouse an X and Y coordinate of
//our customized pointer
//we need to place it inside the
//while loop so that it is always
//updated depending on the current mouse coordinate
//hides the sprite that acts as our pointer

7. The next thing that we need to do is to enable our button to react to mouse click. To be able to do that locate the line dbHideSprite(3); and type the ff. below it:

//if our hidden sprite collided with the “Say Hi” button 
//and the mouse button is clicked then
if (dbSpriteCollision(3,1)==1 && dbMouseClick()==1)
//do something…you can add your game sequence action codes here
//but in this case we will be displaying a “Hi!” text
//if our hidden sprite collided with the “Exit” button 
//and the mouse button is clicked then
if (dbSpriteCollision(3,2)==1 && dbMouseClick()==1)
//quit the form

8. Let us have a quick look of our codes once again:

// Dark GDK - The Game Creators -

// the wizard has created a very simple project that uses Dark GDK
// it contains the basic code for a GDK application

// whenever using Dark GDK you must ensure you include the header file
#include "DarkGDK.h"

// the main entry point for the application is this function
void DarkGDK ( void )
 // turn on sync rate and set maximum rate to 60 fps
 dbSyncOn   ( );
 dbSyncRate ( 60 );
 //loads our images
 //displays our images

 // our main loop
 while ( LoopGDK ( ) )
  if (dbSpriteCollision(3,1)==1 && dbMouseClick()==1)
  if (dbSpriteCollision(3,2)==1 && dbMouseClick()==1)

  // update the screen
  dbSync ( );

 // return back to windows

9. Press F5 to test your game. Try clicking the “Say Hi” and "Exit" button.

10. And that would be all. One of the first menu system tutorial in Dark GDK. My buttons looks disgusting because I just rushed it, I didn’t have time to make one in Blender. Hope you learn something from it, till next time.