Visual F# 100 Examples: Example Number 1

Starting today, I will be sharing to you guys some learning examples that will aid you in learning windows forms application programming in Visual F#. Our target is to be able to share at least 100 examples. Let’s start with example number 1:

Problem: Make a windows form application that will ask the user’s mental age and chronological age and display his intelligence quotient (IQ).

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//specifies the memory location of the class files
//that will be needed in our application
open System.Collections.Generic
open System
open System.Windows.Forms
open System.ComponentModel
open System.Drawing
//creates a new form
let iqform=new Form(Text="Compute IQ", Size=new System.Drawing.Size(300, 200),StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,AutoScaleMode=AutoScaleMode.Font)
//creates a label
let n1label=new Label(Text="Mental age:",Top=20,Left=5,AutoSize=true)
let firsttextbox=new TextBox(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(80, 20))
//creates another label and change its text to “Second number:”
let n2label=new Label(Text="Chronological age:", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(0,50),AutoSize=true)
let secondtextbox=new TextBox(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(100,50))
//creates another label and change its text to sum
let n3label=new Label(Text="IQ:", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(0, 90),AutoSize=true)
//creates a label that will display the result of the computation
let anslabel=new Label(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(80, 90), BorderStyle=BorderStyle.FixedSingle)
//make our buttons
let addbutton=new Button(Text="Compute", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(100, 130))
let exitbutton=new Button(Text="Exit", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(200, 130))
//add the controls into the form

//when the compute button is clicked
addbutton.Click.Add(fun addfunction ->
let manum=Convert.ToDouble(firsttextbox.Text)
let canum=Convert.ToDouble(secondtextbox.Text)
let iq=Convert.ToDouble((manum/canum)*100.00)

//display the iq value in the anslabel
 //when the exit button is clicked, close the form            
exitbutton.Click.Add(fun exit -> iqform.Close())  

Simplest input validation using Char.IsNumber and Char.IsLetter

The following example demonstrates how to validate a user input by using the Char.IsNumber and Char.IsLetter character manipulation functions:
// Learn more about F# at
//specifies the memory location of the class files
//that will be needed in our application
open System.Collections.Generic
open System
open System.Windows.Forms
open System.ComponentModel
open System.Drawing
//creates a font
let ffont=new Font("Verdana", 9.75F,FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point)  
let validateform = new Form(Text="Validate Inputs",AutoScaleDimensions=new System.Drawing.SizeF(60.0F, 13.0F),ClientSize=new System.Drawing.Size(300, 200),StartPosition=FormStartPosition.CenterScreen)
//creates our controls
let exitbutton=new Button(Text="Exit", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(190, 170))  
let okbutton=new Button(Text="Ok", Location=new System.Drawing.Point(100, 170)) 
let label1=new Label(Text="Enter a name:",Location=new System.Drawing.Point(0, 10),AutoSize=true)
let nametxtbox=new TextBox(Location=new System.Drawing.Point(120,10),BorderStyle=BorderStyle.FixedSingle)
//adds the controls to our form
//when the oK button is clicked
okbutton.Click.Add(fun ok->
//if the input begins with a letter then
if (Char.IsLetter(Convert.ToChar(nametxtbox.Text.Chars(0)))) then
//prompt that its a valid name
MessageBox.Show("The name you entered is valid ", "Validate Inputs",MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)|>ignore
//if the input begins with a number then                         
if (Char.IsNumber(Convert.ToChar(nametxtbox.Text.Chars(0)))) then
//prompt that its an invalid name
MessageBox.Show("You must enter a valid name", "Validate Inputs",MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)|>ignore)
//when the exit button is clicked
exitbutton.Click.Add(fun exit->validateform.Close())
//executes our application
Click the run icon when done entering these codes in Visual F# code editor window. Try entering any number in the name text box and clicking the ok button. You should see an output similar to the following: